Wine and Trouble; the Field Trip

(The Armchair Sommelier has challenged us with the topic of trouble in the monthly wine challenge. This is my submission. )

The Field Trip

The Field Trip

The school bus rolled along as comfortably as school buses roll, with its torn vinyl seats, each holding two or three fifth graders excitedly anticipating the annual trip to the courthouse, unaware or unconcerned with how loudly their voices carried, one little boy’s more than the others, in a voice so loud and clear, he could not be ignored, nor could he be mistaken for having said something else, as the bus stopped for a red light, and all other voices seemed to diminish in volume. We all on the bus, myself, the other chaperones, all the children and Ms. Bronk the classroom teacher sitting behind me, all of us heard his words ring out in that moment of stillness, “Bob’s Mom says it’s fun to get drunk!”  Yes, I’m Bob’s Mom.  I felt Ms. Bronk’s eyes bearing into my skull as I sat there stunned, my mind racing trying to piece together why little Preston had said that, all the while smiling feebly at Ms. Bronk, and looking questioningly at Preston.  Then I remembered a conversation I’d had with my 10 year old son a few weeks earlier when he asked me why anyone would ever become addicted to alcohol.  “Maybe,” I answered, “he has a few glasses of wine with dinner, he feels light-headed and happy.  He thinks its fun so he does that a few more times.  Before he knows it, he’s hooked, drinking every night, waking up with horrible headaches, he becomes cranky and disorganized at work and can’t hold onto his job.  Then his wife divorces him.  But he’s so addicted to alcohol, he can’t quit drinking.  And so his life is ruined.  Remember, son,” I conclude, being the good and conscientious mother that I am, “everything in moderation.”  In my son’s mind my dramatic moral lesson boiled down to the simple phrase, “It’s fun to get drunk.” 

Now, my son is 17.  I don’t know that our communication has improved much in the past 7 years, or perhaps Bob is just having his fun.  On Monday my CSW certificate came in the mail.  He must be very proud of me, because he includes that information in his introductions of me to his friends, “This is my Mom.  She’s really into alcohol.”

This entry was posted in wine.

20 comments on “Wine and Trouble; the Field Trip

  1. Nice “trouble”, Linda! Isn’t the world according to kids awesome?!? And congrats on your CSW!! Salud!

  2. foxress says:

    Thank you, and yes, kids are a hoot. I’m not saying I drink because of them, but lets just say any wine pairs well with a day spent with the kids.

  3. What a wonderful story! But also, don’t forget your son’s of male gender. We have very selective hearing capabilities…:)

    • foxress says:

      Haha, that must be the case!

    • My experience with men/boys is that they have selective hearing when they want to; and selective super-hero hearing when that suits their purposes. I’m trying to be more like that because it’s very useful, especially when it comes to letting go of what I’ve heard that I didn’t like (I’m still working on that one).

      • That is what I meant, Tracy:we turn it on and off at will…there is a great scene in one of the Sissy movies (which I assume you are aware of) in which the emperor’s father does just that whenever his wife is around…or not.

      • Funny;

        and no, I don’t know the Sissy movies. I spent all my time in Hamburg–there’s very little interest in royalty in the Freistadt.

        I learned about Sissy after I met an Austrian artist of the same name. But I’ll be looking for the Sissy movie now.

      • The Sissy movies, it is a series of three, were shot in the 50s and feature young Romy Schneider as Empress Elisabeth of Austria. They are extremely schmaltzy, but even growing up in Germany’s 80s, I have seen every single one of them several times. Kind of a cult thing to do. As far from her real history as can be imagined, but Romy and Karlheinz Boehm as emperor were the dream couple of the decade…

  4. As a mother of two sons, I so relate to this. I’m sure I don’t even know about all the times my now adult sons have managed to misrepresent what I’ve tried to tell them.

    • foxress says:

      I don’t if it’s the case with your boys, but I’m pretty sure mine does it on purpose, now. It’s how he entertains himself.

      • True–they love to entertain themselves by convincing themselves they’ve got one up on me. Until they need me. Then they get all solicitous because they know who REALLY knows what’s happening.

  5. Stefano says:

    Fun story! Congrats on the CSW!

  6. My sons are far down the path of realizing their father likes wine far too much–it is just a matter of time before they ask if I am an alcoholic!

    Bravo on the CSW!

    • foxress says:

      Thank you, Jeff! And not to scare you, but just wait until they’re in middle school health class learning about alcohol abuse. You’ll never hear the end of it, but at that point you won’t be able to do anything right, anyway, so just pour some more wine and wait for that phase to pass…

  7. coastalcrone says:

    I like the quote from your son! And thanks for the recent visit to my blog.

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